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your potential plus
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changes lives
Let's meet at Neuro Convention Virtual

Taking place on the 16th & 17th March 2021, Neuro Convention Virtual will be showcasing the latest innovations in neurosurgery, mental health, brain stimulation and diagnostics and rehabilitation.

National Care Group are hosting a virtual exhibitor booth and we’d really love to connect with you there!

Virtually stop by and chat to a member of our National Neurological Services team or arrange a video call to discuss our specialist services supporting people with Acquired Brain injuries, neurological conditions and disorders.

  • You can meet our team and discuss how National Neurological Services can work in partnership with you to deliver exceptional person centred health and social care.
  • Discover how we fully meet an individual's needs and encourage them to achieve their maximum potential in terms of their quality of life.
  • Immerse yourself in keynote and virtual seminars presented by a host of industry experts

We look forward to making contact and meeting you during the virtual event, when we can tell you more about National Neurological Services together with the range of services we provide and the successful outcomes we achieve.

Join us for an unmissable event you can REGISTER FREE today!

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