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COMMUNITY - Finding a passion for gardening

It’s National Gardening Week (29 April – 4 May 2024)

We’re shining a spotlight on our green-fingered horticulturalists, celebrating their achievements, and asking them what it is they love about gardening.

A person gardening

Gardening is a popular activity for many of the people we support.

Not only does gardening increase physical exercise, but it can help to improve mental health, people learn new skills, and foster a sense of accomplishment.

The benefits go beyond just growing plants and flowers.

Community inclusion

SR is a person we support at our Endurance Care Deal & Hythe services. He is a very keen gardener and worked with his Dad for many years running their own gardening business.

SR volunteers for Macmillan Cancer Support once a week as a gardener for people in the local area.

He has also won awards from the local area association for doing a brilliant job of maintaining the garden where he lives.

We asked SR what it is he loves about gardening:

“I love helping others and gardening gives me good memories of working with my Dad.”

A man stood in a garden (left); a man holding a gardening certificate (right)

Improved knowledge and skills

RW is a star chef and horticulturist at our Highlea Care services in the northeast.

He has an infectious passion for both gardening and cooking, which he rolls into one by growing his produce in the garden to cook and bake with.

He even adapts his recipes for those with special dietary requirements including gluten intolerance.

RW has created an impressive space 'for all senses' as he believes a good garden should include things we can all see, smell, touch, hear, and taste.

Socialisation and improved nutrition

Gardening club at our 8 Acres service is loved by the people we support:

"I love growing the potatoes, they are very yummy. Mum likes to hear that I have been planting and growing things."
- Christopher

"I really enjoy seeing my friends when going to gardening club and working together. Julie always makes us smile and laugh when gardening club happens."
- Peter

"Gardening is my favourite thing to do. I love keeping all the plants and vegetables watered. I really look forward to this every month. Julie, our activity coordinator, really helps with this."
– Stephen

Gardening club empowers the people we support to work together as a team and learn new skills, improves nutrition with easy access to homegrown fruits and vegetables, and above all have fun!

People gardening

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