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your potential plus
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changes lives
PROGRESSION - LW’s Success Story

Spotlight on LW's remarkable progression

LW has received support from Nexus, part of National Care Group, since he was 18. Now 26, he has made remarkable progress with skills development and is more independent in the local community. Thanks to the support and commitment of colleagues, LW has been empowered to achieve his goals.

A person stood outside in front of a building

LW’s progression at college

When LW first joined Nexus, colleagues supported him to attend Chelmsford College. He received 1:1 support alongside support from his college tutor.

LW found classroom-based environments boring so it was agreed with the college, family, and Nexus that he would continue his education with a mixture of community-based learning and classroom activities, such as cooking and movie club.

LW found this much more interesting and was able to continue his education with support from colleagues.

Without the 1:1 support provided by Nexus, LW may have continued to find his college experience boring, may not have contributed or benefitted from his education at college, and could have left due to this.

LW develops life and social skills

With the 1:1 support Nexus provided, LW experienced going to the shops to buy food needed for his catering classes at college and purchasing these items with cash or card. It helped build LW’s life and social skills.

During this community-based learning, LW’s life skills grew. He was able to gain new skills and confidence outside of the classroom, which has since enabled LW to be more independent.

We supported LW at college for three years. He left at age 21 and has since accessed the community with 1:1 support from Nexus five days a week.

LW grows independence in the community

We first supported LW to access nature parks for walks and shops within Chelmsford town centre that he was familiar with.

The transition from full-time college education to full-time community support was a massive change for LW. With the 1:1 support Nexus provided, we were able to build his confidence and life skills, broaden his social circle, and gradually build up his weekly plan with more variety.

LW now has a full weekly plan that is completely personalised. This helps grow his current social skills and circle.

LW’s current week involves gymnastics classes, music lessons, trampolining, boccia, shopping, walks, dance class, gardening club, cinema, and museums. His personalised plan is reviewed monthly to give him variety and choices throughout his support.

LW enjoys his support from Nexus and sees his support workers as his friends. He will regularly speak about funny times spent with them.

Crowd at Royal Albert Hall

LW performs at Royal Alert Hall

One of LW’s many success stories is that he performed at the Royal Albert Hall with The Music Man Project, The Bands of His Majesty’s Royal Marines, and multi-platinum recording artist Michael Ball, with 1:1 support from Nexus.

LW started to attend music lessons with The Music Man Project three years ago. He attends these sessions every Monday for 3.5 hours.

When LW first started, he found it very exciting as it was a fun environment for him. He has excelled ever since he started and has made many friends within these classes. This has been great in developing his social skills and communication.

During these sessions, LW has shown commitment to learning new skills. He learned to play instruments and follow the beat.

LW performed the whole two-hour concert on the Royal Albert Hall stage alongside Hannah, his team leader and support worker, who has supported LW for over five years.

LW is empowered to achieve his full potential

LW’s communication has grown so much over the years. He expressed how proud of himself he was after the Royal Albert Hall concert and has not stopped speaking about his incredible achievement since.

LW also expressed that he was proud of Hannah, which shows the remarkable development of his communication with the support from Nexus.

Hannah and LW pose for a selfie in the street

Hannah, LW’s support worker, says:

“When we first started supporting LW, he would communicate in conversations about past events, favourite TV shows and films, and expressions. So for LW to attend The Music Man Project concert and perform for two hours on stage in front of a full audience, with 1:1 support from Nexus, shows the life-changing support we do provide.

“He constantly shows us that commitment and dedication do pay off as he has just performed at the Royal Albert Hall. Not many people can say that!”

LW’s family thanked Hannah and Nexus for their ongoing support by saying:

“This is a memory that will last forever with LW and us as a family. It would never have happened without the support provided by Nexus."

A boy stands outside doors of Royal Albert Hall

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