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your potential plus
our commitment
changes lives
Ensuring the highest standards of care and support
Wednesday, 26th August 2020
. Mike Cleasby, Quality Director, talks about how the past year has seen National Care Group implement systems and processes that will help our services provide support and develop going forward. Placing quality at the heart of everything it does and with a clear and compelling vision of what it wants to achieve, National Care […]
Implementing new systems to streamline our approach
Monday, 24th August 2020
. With the publication of the Quality Account 2019 /20, Mike Cleasby, Quality Director, took the time to reflect on the achievements National Care Group have had in the past year. Placing quality at the heart of everything it does and with a clear and compelling vision of what it wants to achieve, National Care […]
We all had a fantastic Face Time!
Friday, 21st August 2020
When the government announced that face coverings needed to be worn in shops and when out and about, we saw this as an opportunity to promote the latest government guidance, whilst having some fun along the way. The launch of our ‘Fancy Face Covering Competition’ which coincided with the government announcement on the 24th July, […]
your potential plus our
commitment changes lives