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Social Care Day of Remembrance & Reflection
Remembering Michelle and Tracey on Social Care Day of Remembrance
Thursday 17 March 2022

Created by the Care Workers Charity, Social Care Day of Remembrance & Reflection is a special day dedicated to the people the adult social care sector lost during the pandemic. It's also designed to offer people the much-needed time to reflect on the vital work the social care sector has done to keep people safe and well.

It presents National Care Group with the opportunity to take the time to remember the two colleagues sadly lost to the virus in 2021. Michelle Philbin from Cauldon Place at Shelton Care and Tracey Chandler from Endurance Care Kings Lynn.

Colleagues across National Care Group will be observing a minutes silence at 4pm today and have the option to write dedications on the Care Workers Charity's 'virtual wall' of remembrance and appreciation.

National Care Group also recently delivered dedicated benches in their memory to each service. Here's a few photos of the benches and the people we support in both gardens.

It's also a day to show our appreciation of what social care workers did and continue to do to keep people safe from infection. A huge thank you goes to all National Care Group frontline workers for their selfless work, heroic efforts, dedication, and collaboration through such a difficult time. A tremendous effort across the business resulted in lower than average losses amongst colleagues and the people we support.

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