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EMPOWERMENT | Karl Meets The Sea Monster
Karl a person we support at our Oaklea Care Service in Somerset, recently enjoyed a day out at See Monster in Western-Super-Mare .

Since Karl joined our new Walliscote Road service in Weston-Super-Mare back at the beginning of May. Karl was excited to visit the See Monster as soon as it opened to the public as he had seen it from when the de-commissioned oil rig first arrived in July

SEE MONSTER is a retired rig from the North Sea, transformed into one of the UK’s largest public art installations to inspire global conversations about reuse, renewables and the great British weather. The regeneration of the rig, transformed from its former life, will champion the role of reuse and creativity within our future.

Karl was all smiles throughout the day exploring the oil rig with his support workers, he especially loved the view of the ocean and the town at the top of the rig and the christmas trees that were at the top of the display.

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