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FEATURE | People Director Talks Menopause

Claire Leake, National Care Group's People Director was recently interviewed by Care Talk magazine regarding the topic of women's health & Menopause. World Menopause Day 2022 is the perfect opportunity to share her conversation.

At National Care Group we are determined to actively support women's health and remove the tabooness around the issue of menopause. As 81.7% of adult social services jobs are being carried out by women, Claire discusses how the care and support sector needs to address the challenges being faced by women in such roles and how it could be key to colleague retention and output within the industry.

The menopause typically occurs in women aged between 45 and 55, with perimenopausal symptoms affecting women from their mid-30s and occasionally even younger. Despite the menopause impacting the lives of more than three-quarters of adult social care workers, employers in this sector can do far more to support those going through it

Claire discusses the menopausal symptoms to be aware of & how at National Care Group, we’re taking a multichannel approach to improve education, enhance flexibility, and prioritise accessibility, in a bid to support our colleagues.

Overall, we’ve found that including everyone in the discussion surrounding the menopause has ensured that across the entire business there is awareness, better support, and a sense of openness on the topic. While starting the conversation is hugely important, making sure those conversations lead to action is the key part. In the adult social care sector, the workforce is predominately females, with an average age of 47.5 and if we want to retain the talent that we have, we can no longer ignore an issue that is affecting so many.

To Read the article in full (page 24-25) click here

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