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Cherry Tree Gardens are October's Outstanding Performers

Cherry Tree Gardens are awarded National Care Group's Outstanding Achievement Award for October 2021

The team from Cherry Tree Gardens, part of our Atlantic Way Care service in Devon, were the winners of our outstanding achievement award for October. The award recognises the vital role they have played in the support, wellbeing and mental health of one of the people they support called B.

The team recently received a commendation from a local Continuing Healthcare Nurse for providing the best person centred and collaborative care planning she had ever seen. B has also commented that they never wants to live anywhere else!

The National Care Group Executive Team received two other nominations during October, both celebrating the success of outstanding colleagues.

  • Keisha Smith from Merryden was nominated by her registered manager Stephanie for showing great enthusiasm, creativity, passion and leadership in everything she does. Keisha has recently had to deal with sad passing of a person she supported and was making good progress with but carries on her duties with a passion and professionalism that Stephanie would be lost without.

  • The Rosslyn House Team from Highlea Care were nominated by their regional operations manager Charlotte for going the extra mile and working with the upmost professionalism and dedication to a person they support who needed emergency person centred care during a very difficult time.

  • Huge well done to everyone nominated.
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