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Becky overcomes fears and achieves her climbing goal!


Becky, a person we support at our Chosen Care service in Gloucestershire, has been feeling on top of the world after achieving a huge goal of making it half way up the climbing wall at her local climbing centre despite a big fear of heights.

Becky is very independent but is diagnosed with severe anxiety, which alongside the acrophobia, has been holding her back from a 6-year ambition of climbing. She's visited the climbing centre a few times but her anxiety has just taken over and Becky has had to leave feeling very upset with herself.

Working closely with her National Care Group key worker, along with a lot of forward planning and a huge amount of reassurance, Becky achieved her goal and climbed half way up last week! Becky said the instructor talked her through the clothing and safety gear to reassure her and make her feel more comfortable. It gave her the reassurance that if she was falling or upset, she was connected to the instructor for extra support and safety.

Becky went on to tell her registered manager Kathy Howitt; "as soon as I started to climb, I wasn’t looking down but just up, and I made it over half way up the wall! Words can’t explain how I feel, but I am so proud of myself I have done this."

Becky told Kathy; "I want to return to the centre and achieve the whole wall, and to come back down again. It’s an amazing feeling that it's actually me in the photos! after 6 years I finally did it!".

Well done to Becky from everyone at National Care Group.

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