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your potential plus
our commitment
changes lives
South East | Endurance Care Kent
Wednesday, 20th May 2020
Encouraging individuals to follow their passion. Darren has had a life-long passion for football, and as a big fan of Crystal Palace, he used to attend matches with his dad. Whilst living with his parents, Darren played for Tonbridge Disability FC, but since moving into his Supported Living services, he had missed playing in a […]
South East | Endurance Care Kent
Monday, 18th May 2020
Supporting individuals to develop their skills Ricky, an individual we support, has been working hard with his physiotherapist and staff to gain his mobility back after suffering a stroke back in May. There are so many things that Ricky loves to do, and because of his strong will and attitude, he is quickly regaining his […]
National Neurological Services
Saturday, 16th May 2020
Supporting individuals to achieve their goals James Wood moved into Rosglen in April, and as a wheelchair user, he was unable to walk and could barely weight bare, he was a 2-person transfer and was unable to wash or shower himself. Initially, James was not engaging with staff or other residents and was not eating […]
your potential plus our
commitment changes lives