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your potential plus
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changes lives
LEARNING DISABILITY WEEK | Our team of Quality Checkers

For Learning Disability Week (19-25 June 2023) this year's theme is busting myths about people living lives with learning disabilities.

For today's #LDWeek theme of 'Representation - learn from people with a learning disability' we want to share the story of our team of Quality Checkers, all people we support at National Care Group.

Christine, Elliot, Shaun, Aaron, Ellie, Steve and Charlotte all successfully applied for these highly valued roles.

The roles were introduced to National Care Group as a way to measure the quality of our services from those that experience the care and support themselves. It is the people we support who are best placed to tell us what excellent quality of care looks like.

Our team of Quality Checkers make observations from lived experiences which give us a unique insight into how we can improve our services – for the people that matter the most, by the people that matter the most.

Each member of the team participated in formal training in order to prepare themselves with the skills, knowledge, and real-life implementation needed for the role.

Some of our quality checkers in training.

Guided by our Quality Business Partners, the team visits National Care Group services to ensure the highest standard quality of care is being delivered. This involves them asking a choice of questions, from a list they’ll have, and writing a report on their findings.

The work of our team of Quality Checkers is invaluable to delivering positive outcomes.

For Christine, Elliot, Shaun, Aaron, Ellie, Steve and Charlotte, their roles give them even greater independence and allows them the opportunity to meet other people we support. They have newfound skills and confidence too, and have each achieved paid and meaningful employment with National Care Group.

Our Quality Checkers have been supported to unlock their potential and we’re super proud of all they are achieving. We will continue to learn from them, as we do from so many of the people we support.

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