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your potential plus
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changes lives
UNLOCKING POTENTIAL | JD's goal to become king of the road
Introducing JD

JD is an autistic person with a learning disability diagnosis. He had always lived with his parents until he moved into our Endurance Care supported living service in Folkestone in October 2021. JD’s parents felt he needed more independence, and after exploring options, decided supported living would be the most appropriate move for him.

JD recently reached a huge milestone and is feeling so proud of himself. He wanted to share his positive story to show others that ‘anything is possible’ no matter how big or small.

A little bit about JD

JD has maintained a full-time job as a street cleaner for the local refuse company, which he enjoys. Occasionally JD does get distracted at work, mostly down to his passion for technology and particularly his mobile phone. JD is aware of this, so much so, that it has caused him to hand in his notice several times, in fear of losing his job.

Fortunately, JD has developed a fantastic relationship with his employer, who are incredibly understanding of his needs. This, combined with the unwavering support and guidance he receives from the Endurance Care team, help to keep JD feeling more positive and focused.

They support him to understand how important his job is to him and the positive impact it has on his life. If he waivers, they remind him of all the benefits he has from his job; having his own flat, being able to participate in activities with his friends and family, and how it helps him pay for his technology.

Collaboratively, the team and his colleagues ensure JD has clear sight of what his working day should look like, and how he should conduct himself.

JD’s road to achieving his goal

JD had enjoyed getting to work on his electric scooter. Over time though, he started to yearn for more flexible travel and greater independence. He began feeling he could perhaps make the step to riding a motorcycle so he could get to places quicker and more conveniently. The goal was set, and with the support and encouragement of his support worker, preparations were put in place for JD to progress.

There was a lot of organising and preparation involved - which included JD having to purchase a motorcycle - but he was determined.

With continued support, JD completed the Compulsory basic training (CBT) test which allows him to ride a motorcycle on the road. By completing the course, he has proven is able to ride safely on his own.

JD with his CBT certificate

The open road for JD

JD was so pleased with his achievements, he decided to trade in the basic bike he purchased to complete the course and used some of his savings to purchase a brand-new motorcycle.

Now JD is feeling so confident on his new bike and will get plenty of practice on his journeys to and from work, ahead of taking his full motorcycle test.

JD’s achievement and newfound freedom have had such a positive impact. He is being more responsible, at home and at work, has become more open with his support workers, and is progressing well with his own cooking and cleaning.

JD has something more than his technology to distract his mind, and the anticipation of his rides home are keeping him focused at work.

Outstanding work JD, well done!

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