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your potential plus
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changes lives
We’re following the guidelines but still having fun
Monday, 27th July 2020
With our ‘Face Covering Competition’ well under way, members of our Executive Team discussed the importance of following the government guidelines and why this campaign will benefit everyone involved at National Care Group. Karen Lewis, Chief Operations Officer, and one of the judges for the competition, spoke about how this competition is a great opportunity […]
Having fun making fancy face coverings
Wednesday, 22nd July 2020
As new regulations come into place regarding the wearing of face coverings in shops and supermarkets. National Care Group are launching an internal campaign to increase awareness of the new rules and also encourage our staff and the individuals we support to continue wearing face coverings when going outside and coming into contact with other […]
COVID-19 – Chief Executive Update
Wednesday, 13th May 2020
A personal statement from Chief Executive, James Allen with an update on what we are doing in light of COVID-19 for staff, the individuals we support and their families   STAY ALERT | CONTROL THE VIRUS | SAVE LIVES
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commitment changes lives