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Congratulations goes to Charlene Scothern of National Care Group's Essential Care & Support Services in the North East - April's Outstanding Achievement Award winner.

New service manager Charlene was nominated by regional operations manager, Caron Cook for the way she has been instrumental in developing a new service at Richmond Terrace, working collaboratively with children’s services, mental health teams and housing to implement the first ever young person’s tenancy for an under 18-year-old.

Charlene with Quality Director Mike Cleasby & Registered Manager Claire McCabe

Charlene has supported her team through the difficult challenges that have been presented and together they have made incredible progress with the person we support. Since being supported by our colleagues at Essential Care & Support, she has gone the longest period without returning to hospital.

The passion shown by Charlene and her team has empowered the person we support to gain independence, build her self-esteem, and thrive in her own home and becoming less dependent on other services.

They have been commended by local authorities for their achievements.

Congratulations to Charlene and the team!

Well done to all National Care Group colleagues nominated for an award in April:

Jessica Barnes from Wellington Support Residential. Nominated by registered manager Wendy Khan for the progress she has made from housekeeper to a senior support worker. Jessica has thrown her heart and soul into her role and takes immense pride.

Danielle Blenkinsop from Highlea Care. Nominated by registered manager Julie Cowens for being a great and positive leader who has gone above and beyond to develop many initiatives for her colleagues and the people we support – with great emphasis on wellbeing and positivity.

Jamesons Residential Team. Nominated by registered manager Claire Carr for the way they have improved activities for the people we support in the home and in the community after a difficult period of having lots of agency staff. The new team have been recognised by the local authorities.

Learning & Development Team. Nominated by regional trainer Craig Lymer for their dedication and always going above and beyond to achieve positive outcomes and for ensuring the best quality of training is provided. The team have carried out additional training session to suit the needs of the service, working late nights and weekends.

Hannah Styles of Endurance Care Worcestershire. Nominated by registered manager Kelly Smith for the great progress she has made after an unsettling start. Hannah is autistic and struggled with elements of her role but has focused on her strengths and developed ways to communicate with the people we support on a wonderful level.

Julia Blossoms of Regent College. Nominated by tutor Alan Baxter for the strong college-community links she has established in her role as Transition Link Worker. She has organised opportunities for learners to develop life skills and work opportunities.

Colleagues are nominated for performing to the National Care Group values of Passion, Empowerment, Respect & Collaboration.

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