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your potential plus
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changes lives
Diana's progress to independent living

Developing the skills to live independently

Diana, one of the people we support, moved into Lowerfant Road, Maidstone in March 2019, having previously lived with her mother.

When Diana first moved in, she set herself the target of moving into her own flat in two years. Working together with her support staff to develop her independent living skills, Diana made continuous progress toward achieving her goal.

Having received excellent person-centred support from our colleagues, Diana was able to learn skills such as cooking, doing the weekly shop, and cleaning, all skills that have benefited her and given her the confidence to live independently.

Two years on from moving into Lowerfant Road, the service was delighted to announce that Diana had made such amazing progress that she was going to move into her own flat.

Our colleagues even baked her a beautiful cake on her final day, which was a lovely gesture and a great way to say goodbye to Diana who really enjoyed her time at the service and leaves with many fond memories.

“I am so proud of Diana,” said Tara Fewster, Area Operations Manager. “She has made such great progress at Lowerfant Road, with all our colleagues playing a vital role in helping develop her confidence and skills to live independently.”

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